Deploy Python Serverless Server
How can we deploy this Python serverless server?
As mentioned throughout this section, I use the AWS chalice microframework to deploy this Rosetta Salt server to the AWS API Gateway and Lambda services. However, instead of describing how to do it in writing, I put together this YouTube video to show how to do it.
This video shows you how to start with an Amazon Linux (free-tier eligible) EC2 instance with 1 vCPU and 1 GB of memory (details below), update the software platform, get Python3 and pip up to date, set up a virtual environment with virtualenv, configure the aws command line tool, install chalice, and deploy this Rosetta Salt Python serverless server (the latter part of which mirrors the chalice instructions in its Quickstart instructions).
Amazon Linux AMI 2018.03.0 (HVM), SSD Volume Type - ami-01d025118d8e760db
The Amazon Linux AMI is an EBS-backed, AWS-supported image.
The default image includes AWS command line tools, Python, Ruby, Perl, and Java.
The repositories include Docker, PHP, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and other packages.